Sunday, April 10, 2022

Jewish Black Panther Bund

I was 34 years old when I joined the Black Panthers in 1972. I have always been Black and I have always been Jewish. Black Jews exist, we have to deal with European Jews telling us we are not Jewish and we have to deal with Black Christians and Black Muslims who tell us that Black Jews don't exist because Jewishness is somehow Ultra-Whiteness. When I joined, I was often called The Elder Student, this is due to the obvious reality that I could not read or write and that I was older than most of the other Cadres within Chapter I joined. It was the Black Panthers who taught me how to read and write in English. I finally learned how to read Hebrew and Aramaic when I was 40. Black Jews are misrepresented by Black Christians and Black Muslims claiming to be Jewish all the time. The very term Hebrew Israelite used to be a reference to Black Jews, but then Black Jews for Jesus stole the term early on. So we have had an uphill battle just attempting to show that we exist. Real Black Jews are Modern Orthodox, we read the Hebrew Scriptures and the Talmudh with deep devotion. Some among us have turned to Reform Judaism and even Reconstructionalist Judaism but this is extremely rare.

                                  This is the Flag of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Bundism

I am starting up the first Black Bundist Chapter, at least that is what I am trying to do. This Blog is meant to educate others about Bundism, Maoism and Pantherism and what these words actually mean. This Blog promotes Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Bundism. This Blog is also a rebuke against Dr. Weizfeld because of his stubborn attitude and ignorance on several topics. Yet this Blog will also be in heavy support of Dr. Weizfeld. This Blog is a denouncement of Dona Newman, yet this Blog will defend her actual contributions. This Blog criticizes Comrade Net too, but only on certain grounds. This Blog will actually be defending Comrade Net for the most part. But this Blog is not about Comrade Net. This Blog is not about Dr. Weizfeld either. I will not be part of the Jewish Black Panther Bund as I am too old. I also identify as Communist rather than Bundist. But I will be starting the early work for Black Bundism. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Bundism does not have to be exclusively Black but in the First World Maoism resonates best with Black People. So it should not shock anyone that the first to espouse MLM-Bundism will be Black Jews. I am part of Panther C.O.D.E, I am their Minister of Jewish Affairs. I work closely with Panther C.O.D.E's Minister of Mexican Affairs. Yes, there are many Half Black Half Mexicans out there whether you wish to believe this or not. More posts are coming.

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Comrade Net has failed too many times!

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