Thursday, April 14, 2022

Greeting Rabbi Yehudah Moshe

I extend my hand of friendship to Rabbi Yehudah Moshe. 

I do not use my real name due to the fact that I have been a dissident most of my life dealing with this Settler Colonial Country which is AmeriKKKa. This is the situation, I was 34 years old when I joined the Black Panthers in 1972. I have always been Black and I have always been Jewish. As you already know, Black Jews exist as you are one of us. As you know we are always dealing with European Jews telling us we are not Jewish. We also have to deal with Black Muslims as well as Black Christians who tell us that we don't exist. The Black Panthers taught me to read and write English. I finally learned how to read Hebrew and Aramaic when I was 40. Rabbi you are quite simply the best there is. Given that the term Hebrew Israelite used to be a reference to Black Jews until it was hijacked by Black Jews for Jesus as well as several Cults. From the years 2009 to 2019 there was a Jewish Socialist Organization which had its Headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. This gained the attention of Panther C.O.D.E an Organization which I am part of, this organization was founded by actual members of the original Black Panther Party. Due to COINTELPRO the Black Panther Party was destroyed by Provocateur Agents sent into the Black Panther Chapters. After much of this became declassified to the public, there had been some attempts to restore the Black Panther Party. Panther C.O.D.E does not attempt to restore a political Party. Instead we have restored the Ideology of which the Black Panther Party was based in.

On the date of May 27, 2019 Police Agents killed five Members of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement. Their Chairman, Dr. Weizfeld did his best to raise awareness on this matter but it did no good. However this led a lot of the young members of Panther C.O.D.E to come to Arizona and give their mutual aid to the Revolutionary groups in Arizona. There is a Young Navajo, from a long line of Chiefs who we call Comrade #3. Because he is Demarchist, not Maoist like ourselves - he wants Panther C.O.D.E to leave Arizona. Comrade #3 is within his rights. At the same time he is calling for the building of a Black Jewish Orthodox Community in Arizona. Knowing that there is dispute as to who are the actual Leaders of Our Generation. The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement declared that Neturei Karta was the only consistent enough group to be given that honor. I am Panther C.O.D.E's Minister of Jewish Affairs, I endorse this sentiment - I hear that you do too. You have said more than once that it is time for the Jews Worldwide to disembowel White Supremacy. Are you aware that your friend Asher Meza backed the Alt Right? You could reverse so many issues. Several Mizrahim have accused Black Jews of cowardice, I need you to help me prove this wrong. The answer to safeguarding Kushafra is not in Asher Meza's Far Right heresy. The answer is not with the center-Right, the Center nor even the center-Left. The answer is on the Far Left which is being criminalized. YOU and Me are being criminalized - AmeriKKKa is incapable of turning against the Zionist State and you know why.

On the date of May 26, 2020, Dion Johnson was murdered during this same exact date as George Floyd. Unlike the murders of May 27, 2019 the murder of Dion Johnson on May 26, 2020 could not be covered up. This led a lot of members of Panther C.O.D.E to come out to Arizona and give Comrade #3 Solidarity. We with an Anarchist group known as the Arizona Rebellion protested. Comrade #3 with his fellow Navajos along with his Jewish friends led the charge. I was there too in those protests. 

I ask you to help me. If you reject what I have written, it is a Crime against Hashem!

According to the Philosophy of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement, Jews are to be loyal Citizens of whatever Country they live in. The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement also concludes in its Philosophy that - this can not fully apply to Settler Colonial Countries like Zionist-Israel or AmeriKKKa. Furthermore the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement concluded that the North Amerikan Indigenous Tribes following their own traditions are indeed Noahide Nations. This means Comrade #3 and his People the Navajos, as well as the Lakota as well as many other Tribes are Noahide Nations. You as well as myself, therefore are obligated to give our loyalty to them.



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Comrade Net has failed too many times!

I am not in Arizona anymore. Just want to say that first. I have returned to Chicago. Comrade Net was tasked to help Jason Unruhe set up the...