Monday, November 21, 2022

Clarifying The Bundist Movement

I advise everyone to read this in full detail. What is written here is complex and while this should not be the case, it is. This is a fully updated explanation of what the Bundist Movement is and has been.  

The Bundist Movement is larger than the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement.

While this has been stated more than once. It must be said again because without mentioning this confusion flourishes. The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was the first prototype to Bundism in the 21st Century. The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement had eight members. The eight members of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement were Ms. Newman, Dr. Weizfeld, Comrade Net, Uri Adiah, Marvin Eliyahu, Hannah Toff, Isaiah P. Kamatstein and Mariam Emesberg. The Bundist Movement is the movement to resurrect Bundism while also removing the problematic positions which Classical Bundism suffered from. Only the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was spreading the Bundist Movement, this is why Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement and Bundist Movement had been used so interchangeably. It was the intention of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement to become the first Chapter of the Bundist Movement. To be a Bundist Chapter a total of twelve members is required. The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement never became a Chapter. May 27, 2019 was the day that Uri Adiah, Marvin Eliyahu, Hannah Toff, Isaiah P. Kamatstein and Mariam Emesberg were murdered. Even with the closing of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement the Bundist Movement continued. While the Bundist Movement is the deciding factor concerning which Bundist Chapters are legitimate and which ones are not. The Bundist Movement also determines which Bundist Units are recognized and which ones are rejected. To clarify a Bundist Unit is a Bundist sector within a Political Organization which is not necessarily Bundist in its entirety.

What is the Jewish Socialist Bund?

The Jewish Socialist Bund includes all of the Bundist Chapters recognized as part of the Bundist Movement as well as the Bundist Chapters excluded from the Bundist Movement. I wrote within one of my Blog Posts a section which I titled What is the Jewish Socialist Bund? which I now link here: it says; The Jewish Socialist Bund refers to all accepted formations of the New Bund embraced by the Bundist Movement. This is rather self explanatory, for some odd reason the martyred Council members had a gross misunderstanding of what the Jewish Socialist Bund was. They seem to have thought that it was nothing but an Online Mailing list. Comrade Net did try to explain otherwise to them. It was Dona Newman who could have explained this better to them, yet clearly she never made an effort to do so. Fortunately both the Bundist Movement and the Jewish Socialist Bund survive. The Jewish Socialist Bund is the Jewish Bund of now. The Jewish Bund of yesteryear was the Jewish Labor Bund. Basically the Jewish Socialist Bund is the new Jewish Labor Bund. The Jewish Socialist Bund is not under the control of the Bundist Movement but the Bundist Movement is what determines who is the Vanguard and who is not. The Jewish Socialist Bund on their own does not have this authority. The Bundist Movement is the Vanguard of the Jewish Socialist Bund. The Vanguard guides but does not control. Those who go against the Vanguard loose the trust of the Masses. Today the Bundist Movement is led by Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net. No one will allow Dona Newman to lead anything ever again.

What is the Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard?

The Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard is the Bundist Unit within the People Social Freedom Movement. This Unit serves three basic functions. The first function is to make sure that the Bundist Movement continues to make sure that the Central Headquarters for Bundists Worldwide will be established in the Jewish Oblast. This central Headquarters is to be called Jewish Inter-National Bund. The second function is to ensure that Bundism remains a top priority to Demarchists. The third function of the Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard is to protect Bundism from Classical Bundism. The Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard is run by Comrade Net and his wife Comrade Kali Durga. This Bundist Unit exists to block all divisive liberties taken by Dr. Weizfeld. Which is what Corporal Kat was hoping originally the Jewish Liberation Action Front would do instead.  


What about the Jewish Liberation Action Front? 

I am going to quote again from the Blog Bost I wrote, again here is the link: 



The Jewish Liberation Action Front is a dialectical difference within the Jewish Socialist Bund. 

Both the Jewish Socialist Bund and the Jewish Liberation Action Front - constitute as the entirety of the Jewish Socialist Bund. This is also because the uniting Jewish International Culture is terrified of Dr. Weizfeld taking too many liberties which have been known to cause harm. This means that if the Bundist Movement approves of any unprincipled Chapters into the Jewish Socialist Bund - the Jewish Liberation Action Front will voice its disapproval. The Jewish Black Panther Bund is part of the Jewish Socialist Bund. Dr. Weizfeld has already approved of this. The Jewish Liberation Action Front has no objections. It is very important to note that the Jewish Liberation Action Front can not actually control the rest of the Jewish Socialist Bund nor will this really have any pull on Dr. Weizfeld. Although I hope that Dr. Weizfeld will remember that his word is not law - that he can be and often is incorrect. Dona Newman has been writing Affidavits so that others may know her testimony. While it was Dona Newman who came up with the terming of 'jewish liberation action front' she has handed this term over to all of those who feel overridden by Dr. Weizfeld. No one has forced Dona Newman to resign, she did this on her own. She is under the constant protection and watch of Panther C.O.D.E, as she can not be trusted. These testimonies will be read publicly by The Lumpen ThirdWorldist also known as DaStoned Soviet also known as Mike Stokely. While I am grateful that Dona Newman has come clean, I find myself hating her, she is guilty of cultural genocide as well as the permanent destruction of Comrade Net's heritage. She tricked Panther C.O.D.E into supporting a Sex Offender in order to sabotage both the Bundist Movement as well as the new style of Maoist Rebel News.


This title Jewish Liberation Action Front was given to Corporal Kat to do with as they see fit. However things shifted, now Corporal Kat has given Jewish Liberation Action Front to Comrade Net demanding that he build it into a Chapter which he is not a member of. I agree with Corporal Kat. It was the intention of Corporal Kat to make a Jewish Bund Committee holding Dr. Weizfeld accountable. However the Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard already does this. Corporal Kat has now handed the title of Jewish Liberation Action Front to Comrade Net.

The Jewish Black Panther Bund

The Jewish Black Panther Bund is a Chapter which I am building. The Jewish Black Panther Bund is the first ever Maoist-Bundist Chapter. The Jewish Black Panther Bund is to set the standards for Maoist-Bundists generally and Black Maoist-Bundists particularly. I am a Communist not a Bundist. I will not be in my own Chapter. my place is to start this Chapter not to be part of it. The tendency of the Jewish Black Panther Bund is Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Bundism, which is called Maoism-Bundism in short. Maoism-Bundism is in my opinion true Bundism for all Jewish Proletariat. However as things are as they are now, it is Black Jews who will find Maoism-Bundism appealing in the beginning. 

The Jewish Rebel Federation of Justice

The Jewish Rebel Federation of Justice is a Chapter which Corporal Kat is building. The Jewish Rebel Federation of Justice is the World Chapter of Bundism. It has particular rights to trump any declarations made by Dr. Weizfeld. This is because Dr. Weizfeld is seen as uncultured on Jewish matters. Which is correct. Dr. Weizfeld is Elitist when it comes to Jewishness. This is not slander but more of a condemnation which many Jews around the World both religious and irreligious have said throughout the 2010s and they are still saying these things. This is not twisted propaganda from Dona Newman as abraham Weizfeld would want everyone to believe. In fact it was Dona Newman who went out of her way to hide this from Dr. Weizfeld. Most Jewish Anti-Zionist Activists whether for Religious Reasons, Political Reasons or both find Dr. Weizfeld offensive to Jewish sensibilities. Dr. Weizfeld has mostly forgotten his own Jewish upbringing. He also seems to think that if someone has a Jewish Father yet no Jewish Mother that this person is Jewish, which is a Male Chauvinist position. His own Son, is not Jewish, does not consider himself Jewish and will never be recognized by the Bundist Movement. Corporal Kat opposes Dr. Weizfeld's elitism and condemns their Father for being too much like Dr. Weizfeld. That is a very righteous position for them to be taking. While it is true that Comrade Net is much more Hip to the Jewish World than Dr. Weizfeld, more Hip than most Jews even are, just like Dr. Weizfeld, Comrade Net is someone who has put politics before his own Children. I stand with Corporal Kat, their position that if the Jewish Family is not what comes first to a Jewish Father then that Jewish Father deserves to be chastised. Many like to point out that Comrade Net has raised Corporal Kat and made them advanced. Dr. Weizfeld is the same, he raised his Son and made him more advanced. This is why I agree that Kat has the rites over Dr. Weizfeld which no other Bundist has. The Jewish Rebel Federation of Justice upholds Anarcho Bundism. The Jewish Rebel Federation of Justice will not be the last Bundist Chapter to uphold Anarcho Bundism, but it will be the first. It is important to understand that Corporal Kat is founding the World Chapter (Jewish Rebel Federation of Justice) but will not be part of it. The reasons for this are not for me to give. But I do wish to make it clear that Corporal Kat has been shown to be the only one worthy to formalize the World Chapter as well as the foundations for Anarcho Bundism.

The Jewish Liberation action Front 

The Jewish Liberation Action Front was originally going to be the Bundist Chapter built by Dona Newman but she realized that her work in the Bundist Movement has come to a close. Ms. Newman gave the rights to the Jewish Liberation Action Front over to Corporal Kat. Corporal Kat originally intended to make the Jewish Liberation Action Front a overseer committee to block off Dr. Weizfeld's individualist decisions. However for the most part this is already done by the Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard. So both myself and Corporal Kat declare that the Jewish Liberation Action Front will be a Bundist Chapter founded by Comrade Net. Just as I will not be part of the Jewish Black Panther Bund, just as Corporal Kat will not be part of the Jewish Rebel Federation of Justice, Comrade Net will not be able to part of the Jewish Liberation Action Front. As I am formalizing both Maoism-Bundism and the Black Chapter (Jewish Black Panther Bund), Corporal Kat is formalizing both Anarcho Bundism and the World Chapter (Jewish Rebel Federation of Justice) at the same time. The Jewish Liberation Action Front must be Demarchist through and through. This means that Comrade Net must make a Bundist/Jewish Demarchist Chapter. He has no time to run a Chapter because he already runs a Unit, so while Comrade Net will now be making this Chapter and the foundational rules for it, he will not be part of this Chapter.



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Comrade Net has failed too many times!

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