Thursday, November 17, 2022

Criticism of Dr. Weizfeld

Dr. Weizfeld has broken his word. But fear not Comrades. I am going to hold Dr. Weizfeld to his word. First I would like to make it clear to all the Muslims now trying to claim Jewish Nationality that none of you are Jewish in the slightest. Jewishness contradicts Islamic faith. Islam is very similar to Judaism and there can not be any dispute over that. But Judaism is not aligned with the Muslim theology concerning End Times. Muslims have always been tied to the Christian view on these matters. Christianity and Islam both consider Jesus to be the Messiah. The difference is that Christianity sees Jesus as more than Messiah. Christianity also considers Jesus to be the Savior of the World. Another interesting fact that is often overlooked is that both Christianity and Islam embrace the Zoroastrian idea of The Devil. The Qur'an calls The Devil by the name of Iblis. I gave my word that I would write the Introduction to The MANUAL. I am almost done but I will not deliver this Introduction until Dr. Weizfeld keeps his word to me. He has two options. Actually he only has one option left to him. Before Dr. Weizfeld acts as if this is some type of attack on him, I wish to point out that he is the Chairman of the Revolution which means he serves us, we do not serve him. At least that is how it is supposed to be. The first option is to declare that he made an error in his individualism when on pain killers, that he redacts the statement he made, admit that he has a habit of projecting himself onto others and that there are no Jewish Muslims. It is true that he would have to delete his Videos with Eric Grodsky, that may be painful but we are all tired of bowing to Dr. Weizfeld in fear of denouncements.  

I am almost done but I will not deliver it until Dr. Weizfeld keeps his word to me. He has two options. The first option is to declare that he made an error in his individualism when on pain killers, that he redacts the statement he made, admit that he has a habit of projecting himself onto others and that there are no Jewish Muslims. It is true that he would have to delete his Videos with Eric Grodsky, that may be painful but we are all tired of bowing to Dr. Weizfeld in fear of him slandering other Jews. For the sake of Comrade Net, I have held my tongue on these matters. But I do not answer to Comrade Net. Comrade Net answers to Bundists Worldwide which is what we wish Dr. Weizfeld would do for once.

The second option which is better for the JPLO's reputation is to decide who is a Jewish Christian and who is not a Jewish Christian. Uri Adiah one of the five martyrs had many friends, one of them was Dovid Mavuritz. Dovid Mavuritz has been collecting written Declarations of Solidarity to Dr. Weizfeld. These Declarations of Solidarity are written by Jewish Christians. Word has now spread that Dr. Weizfeld already accepts both Jewish Muslims and Jewish Christians into the JPLO. Dr. Weizfeld has already told the Engelsist that he agrees that Eastern Catholics, Irish Catholics and Palestinian Greek Orthodox Christians can all be Jewish if their Mothers are Jewish or something around those lines. 

Dr. Weizfeld once wrote me, telling me that Ashkenazi Rabbis embrace "Jewish" Muslims. This is not true at all. The Rambam declared that under threat of death that Jews could convert to Islam, this has correctly been overruled by many Rabbis since then. These "Jewish" Christians reject anything to do with Jews for Jesus and Messianic Judaism. Despite the criticisms towards Dr. Weizfeld, this is not done out of spite. But I do fear that he will take it that way. Bundists have been turning away "Jewish" Christians and "Jewish" Muslims alike for years. There are much more of these "Jewish" Christians than "Jewish" Muslims. At least in the political context as Socialists. Dr. Weizfeld has made it clear he received a Jewish education but this does not validate his individualism. After investigating Eric Grodsky he seems Right Wing. I wish that Dr. Weizfeld had not done this decisive action but he has already done it. He is required to give the same respect to Christians as he does for Muslims. Not all Christian sects are the same and he knows this already. Here is some history for Dr. Weizfeld to soak up. An Afrikan Jewish Queen persecuted Afrikan Christians. But I doubt that Dr. Weizfeld will even look into this fact. I do not mean to say such in an offense. But the truth is what it is.

He said he would explain who is a Jewish Christian and who is not. Which he has yet to do. Such statements must be public. He also owes us apologies for propagating Neocolonial propaganda from Rojava. He needs to publicly apologize for calling the FBI after the massacre of May 27, 2019. He needs to apologize for his disregarding of Uri Adiah, the martyred Jewish Syrian of the Bundist Movement who had real ties to not just Syria but Rojava as well. He needs to apologize also for trying to force Bernie Sanders on revolutionaries. He needs to above all, apologize to the Black Jewish Communities for his constant reformist line which undermines and isolates Black Jews who wish to go the way of the Black Panther Party. Dr. Weizfeld has undermined the growth of Bundism. He also needs to learn how to take criticism. He has not shown anyone he is capable of taking any kind of criticisms. At least this has been my experience and the experience of most who put time and effort into communicating with him. I assume that Comrade Net is going to criticize not just Panther C.O.D.E but the entirety of the Federated MLM Cadres, this is fine because Comrade Net actually knows us.

Another problem we worry about is false criticisms from Dr. Weizfeld as he can be given over to emotionalism at times. He embarrasses Jewish Communities all over the World with his arrogance and lack of memory. There are a few reasons why the PDFs were withheld, why my Comrades forced them out of Comrade Net's possession. One of the reasons was to make sure that Panther C.O.D.E minors were not endangered by having their names mentioned in some of the PDFs. It turns out only one of the PDFs did this and the two Kids mentioned are now out of Arizona. The other reason is that NO ONE trusts Dr. Weizfeld to publish every PDF. Yet another reason is that we are all terrified that he will arrogantly attempt to weaponize any disagreement he has with the words of those PDFs canceling out all the Jewish convergences formed. None of the other PDFs are as extreme as the one titled Councilwoman of Strategic Projects. However there are other criticisms of Dr. Weizfeld in some of these PDFs. Criticisms that are made public for the sake of the future of Bundism is healthy but I don't think that Dr. Weizfeld understands this. There are no Jewish Muslims just as there are no Jewish Christians. If there are Jewish Muslims then that means that there are Jewish Christians as well. I am now the one taking care of Dona Newman. I can already say that I do not like this Woman. But in spite of her, I needed to know what her issues with Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net actually are. Surprise Surprise she is more correct about them both than most. I do not go to Ms. Newman for my reasoning. It just so happens that her reasoning reflects many other people's reasoning. Dr. Weizfeld did look down on Comrade Net for years. Many have reported this to me. Comrade Net does have a type of political Stockholm syndrome when it comes to Dr. Weizfeld. Why is Comrade Net always forced to self criticize and why do we never get the same from Dr. Weizfeld? Comrade Net's Father was a Muslim. Comrade Net knows Islam very well. Does Dr. Weizfeld take this into account? He does now. But the last time I saw Comrade Net he was not well, I asked him why he was not well. It turns out that Dr. Weizfeld had completely forgotten a fact which he knew for years, the fact that Comrade Net's Mother was Jewish and that his Father was Muslim. Comrade Net will not be happy that I brought this up but that hardly matters. Dr. Weizfeld individually makes declarations upon Communities which he barely understands, I am talking about both the Jewish Community and the Islamic Community. 

Rather than fall back on Comrade Net's knowledge on the dangers of saying that there even could be Jewish Muslims, Dr. Weizfeld decided to declare Eric Grodsky a Jew. But you look into Eric Grodsky and you end up finding a Muslim who is closer to Christians. The "Interviews" where Dr. Weizfeld is "interviewing"  Eric Grodsky can not be called "interviews" because all you see is Dr. Weizfeld guide Eric Grodsky in the conversations. I wrote Dr. Weizfeld telling him that he needs to act his age. That he needs to apologize. He has not done so. All that matters is what Dr. Weizfeld goes through it seems.  

The PDFs are expected to be handed over to Dr. Weizfeld in January.  

Corporal Kat is the most trusted. This is why we had no problem handing them over to Corporal Kat. Corporal Kat is building their Theory of Anarcho Bundism which required them to have these PDFs. 

The only reason why I have delayed posting something like this is because Comrade Net finds this inappropriate. Which is funny because he is only this way when it comes to Dr. Weizfeld. If anyone else was doing these offensive actions then Comrade Net would do everything to course correct that person.  

Word spread fast and quickly. He has no right to backtrack.
I am dying of cancer, I expect fast results. 



1 comment:

Comrade Net has failed too many times!

I am not in Arizona anymore. Just want to say that first. I have returned to Chicago. Comrade Net was tasked to help Jason Unruhe set up the...