You are all needing to meet. But also because King JK has rights and so does Corporal Kat.
comrade net and abraham weizfeld, coprpral kat are the bundist movement.
we are always trying to keep ours selves in the north american black lumpenprols who don't all have the same white leftist branwashing but we are ready to agree with comrade net because king kj has rights.
panther code has been helping finish the bundist movement with comrade net.
and we can not get dona's blog out but we need that blog saved somehow. tht is the sje charged and wee have good news we have secured it back to net sinsee last frieday, and we agree that that press you and have for that channel is now. Comrade Net
the bundist movement as was other people. dr. weifeld was known by many political groups that have made him chairman of the revolution before dr. weizfeld and comrade net as the interfaith jewish cleric and panther code wants ebieman to protect the bundist movement projects, we agreed that those that meet up for, but King KJ has named himelf a lubmen black king and we agree he is panther code he told us all what the line of the black international Intercommune is.
PANTHER CODE THEORY LET STEVE STRUGGLE Represent our old guard and we are always agree at the chairman of the revolution. we ofend people with are we american afrians, no, we are amerizanized afro doaspra black nation and or new african nation, both national and international.
king kj did not lie, let steve struggle represent the old guard and the black internationalist representing our new generations. theory work for black pantherism with in the dedfarted mlm cadres reconize The-Bundist-Movement as the Jewish Socialist Bund' press as on the old jplo with the bundist unit with in psfm with friend with commune of anarchy protected by corporal kat.
Only Steve Struggle can help us get through to Dr. Weizfeld. This will save Luke Dublin and Jason Unruhe's News Network MAOIST REBEL NEWS.Jason unruhe and stoned mikey the lumpen third worldist are anti-white whites who must listen to lumpen celt we all know this.
net and luke are not white and neither os lumpen celt.
both pinks that revolutioonary non binary gender fluid trans woman is in the commune of anarchist and in a dialectal making of theory with corporal kat. the bundist movement is the press-militia-personal aunonous investrigfaotor. urbun scholaras are drafting dr. weizfeldf to agrgu with him weather he wishes it or not. he isd cahirman so he can't say no so he is drafted. he must embrce the new condration of who is the new vangaurd with us, STAY BLACK.
king kj is helping black mlm power grown in the east cost and southwest and with marie black inter-national we have peace wit the south.
KING KJ GIVES ONLYLuke Dublin, Corporal Kat, Jason Unruhe, the Pink Purple Girl and Comrade #3 to represent the new Mass Line with a much needed critc in Weizld. But we now see that the favors for Dr. Weizgeld which Comrade Weizfeld must be met while knowing he has no choice but to work for us. But Dona is out.
But we keep her work for debates by other bundists for sure.
the four Bundist Movements six, Eibie and Net must be the two which decide this.
He has a right to live. He is Black. Whites hate Black Autonomy.
National Cultural autonomy with Revolutionary intercommunalism and black patriotism for New Afrika is the theary of panther code.
LONG LIVE JEWISH, IRISH, MEXICA and PALESTINIAN Liberation. Inter-nationally Communalistically in Peoples War for revolutionary socialist change.
Long live New Afrika and long live the Jewish Inter-National Bund.
Solidaritry to Libya and Lebanon and Comrade Net and the Rabbi Judah (Yehudah Mosheh)
Solidarity to Corporal Kat and Comrade #3.
Steve Struggle helps us get our disagrements to weizfeld. CODE
Cap 9 Mil is represented by two Black anarchists. BUT cap 9 ... is MLM.
Kar and Afro Syndicalists are the favorite youtune culterally black and/or new african which Captain 9 Milliliter agrees with. But not all the time, like every other boomer and post-bimmoer black pantherite know that the black liberation organization gives all it has to steve struggle the new black lumpenprolitarian millenial and zoomer marxist-leninist-maoists feel represented by only the black interanationalist. CODE
Comrade Net and Luke Dublin are both Non-White. Jason Unruhe and the Lumpen-Third Worldist will be cataloged by Glover and Net and Luke to be explained to anarchists,demarchists and maoists us united in the thirdworldist antifa deconization movement for revolutionary intercoounal resistance.
king kj demands repect give to the intercommunalist revolutionary commune convergence with a rainbow coalition with respect to new african national-culteral territorial autonomy with patriotic revolutionary socialism. revolutionary autonomous question of human tribal culture against the write man, a jewish national diaspora movemt of sourts has yet to find its placee anywhere in the jewish socialist bund. but now we give the rifgts of the bundist movement to both dr. weizfeld and comrade net they both act on green bundist demarchist non-strictly defined council sourting out four bundist movements and what these bundist movement documentries are for dr. weizfeld to deputize jewish urban schllors as protectors of his work for jewish palestine inter-national congress of rainbow collititoin in sovial orders getting past a language barrior. bundist movement is hip and it under zoomer control now. the anachist generation will run revolution the maoist revolution.
but the demarchists both ebieman and net are under Cap 9 Mil own protection.
steve struggle and the black internationalist. panther code is represented by both of them.
king kj is the son of a black pather.
Black Minister 13 co-written with Army Black Antifa; Maoist Rainbow Network corporals Bobby 23 and Cleaver Autonomy. Have declared this. lumpen third-worldist pissed us off when he worked with lumpen shibby, who we don't have but offends us for what he said of black like mao panther brother.WE Command THE WHITE LUMPEN DUDE MICKY TO VIDEO ABOUT THIS.
Net and Eibie upset us as much as Miky but at least keep Net and Eibie off Dona.
Micky reads Dona's two works.
Mike is line holder for MRN.
Luke keeps the Press of MRN alive as much as Net and Eibie do the Bundist Movement Media of the the European Jewish Revolutionaries from the Orient alive with Jewish Afrikans.
I hear the need to 'comrade net and abraham weizfeld, coprpral kat are the bundist movement' in the context of the USA. To function there needs be a method of communication, which there is not. As for the international scene we have a common Council which includes Comrade Net for documenttion and initiatives on the email server List for the Jewish Socialist Bund which includes all the 7 current Chapters.
ReplyDeleteAs for the archives of The Bundist Movement, they are frozen in its web site, blog and email address because of a lack of passcode. The passcode provided does not work and is obviously made after the massacre and could not be the original and correct passcode. The YouTube Channels and the FaceBook profiles are open to me. As for Bundist videos that I do, they are posted on my own YouTube Channel already.
The FaceBook Group and Page also include Comrade Net as Moderator.