Friday, April 15, 2022

The Black Panther Party to Panther C.O.D.E

The Black Panther Party, originally the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, was a Marxist-Leninist Black Power political organization founded by college students Bobby Seale and Huey P. Newton in October 1966 in Oakland, California. The Black Panther Party along with Lin Bioa started what would be coined in the 1980s and 1990s as Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The party was active in the United States between 1966 and 1982, with chapters in many major cities and international chapters in Britain and Algeria. The Black Panthers instituted the Free Breakfast for Children Programs to address food injustice, and community health clinics for education and treatment of diseases. It advocated for class struggle, with the party representing the Lumpenproletarian Vanguard. There are several decent Black Panther documentaries. But the most accurate Documentary on the Black Panther Party and Civil Rights in general is All Power to the People! (the Black Panther Party and Beyond) a 1996 film by Lee Lew Lee.

Huey P. Newton (February 17, 1942 – August 22, 1989) was a Black Revolutionary, notable as co-founder of the Black Panther Party with Bobby Seale in 1966. Huey P. Newton was phenomenal in his contributions but he would degenerate in two striking ways. The first degeneration was his failed attempts at changing the Court systems by becoming an Academic placating to legalism. The other degeneration was his attempts to take over the Drug Trade which was intertwined to his own drug addiction. Robert (Bobby) Seale (born October 22, 1936) was the Black Revolutionary who co-founded the Black Panther Party with Huey P. Newton. He wrote the Ten Point Program, sadly he would degenerate into a mere American political activist and author. COINTELPRO destroyed them both. Which to this day is used as an excuse not to build Black Panther Organizations. The conditions under which the Black Liberation Army formed have everything to do with the unjustified split between Huey P. Newton and Eldridge Cleaver which we now know this split was the work of CONITELPRO. The Black Liberation Army continued to carry out Pantherism when the Black Panther Party started to shift away from that solid method. The very same method which was leading to decolonization. Eldridge Cleaver was destroyed by the FBI. He became a broken Man, this Man was once a Great Black Revolutionary who coined the War-Cry "Fuck Ronald Reagan!" yet he would later endorse the Presidency of Ronald Reagan. Panther C.O.D.E is based upon providing the Correct Revolutionary Line for Pantherism. The Mass Line matters more than any one person. There is no contradiction between Revolutionary Intercommunalism and the founding of New Afrika. One of the issues with the Black Panther Party was cults of personality. It is the Mass Line which matters, not Individuals. 

C.O.D.E stands for Community.Organization.Deterrence.Enforcement - which is The CODE! 

Three dots instead of four dots, because CODE is one word and because the colors of Black Liberation are Black, Red and Green. We do have a CODE. This CODE is beyond personalities. It matters not if you are Muslim, Christian or Jewish - if you are Black you are a New Afrikan Becoming. Whether you are in AmeriKKKa, Canada, South Amerika or Europe - you are Black - which means you are New Afrikan Becoming. The newest conclusion by Panther C.O.D.E on Black Jews is that we are of two Nations. Black Jews are of the New Afrika Nation and the Jewish Diaspora Nation.

This evening Shabbat starts and so does Pesach. Next Year in New Afrika!

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Greeting Rabbi Yehudah Moshe

I extend my hand of friendship to Rabbi Yehudah Moshe. 

I do not use my real name due to the fact that I have been a dissident most of my life dealing with this Settler Colonial Country which is AmeriKKKa. This is the situation, I was 34 years old when I joined the Black Panthers in 1972. I have always been Black and I have always been Jewish. As you already know, Black Jews exist as you are one of us. As you know we are always dealing with European Jews telling us we are not Jewish. We also have to deal with Black Muslims as well as Black Christians who tell us that we don't exist. The Black Panthers taught me to read and write English. I finally learned how to read Hebrew and Aramaic when I was 40. Rabbi you are quite simply the best there is. Given that the term Hebrew Israelite used to be a reference to Black Jews until it was hijacked by Black Jews for Jesus as well as several Cults. From the years 2009 to 2019 there was a Jewish Socialist Organization which had its Headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona. This gained the attention of Panther C.O.D.E an Organization which I am part of, this organization was founded by actual members of the original Black Panther Party. Due to COINTELPRO the Black Panther Party was destroyed by Provocateur Agents sent into the Black Panther Chapters. After much of this became declassified to the public, there had been some attempts to restore the Black Panther Party. Panther C.O.D.E does not attempt to restore a political Party. Instead we have restored the Ideology of which the Black Panther Party was based in.

On the date of May 27, 2019 Police Agents killed five Members of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement. Their Chairman, Dr. Weizfeld did his best to raise awareness on this matter but it did no good. However this led a lot of the young members of Panther C.O.D.E to come to Arizona and give their mutual aid to the Revolutionary groups in Arizona. There is a Young Navajo, from a long line of Chiefs who we call Comrade #3. Because he is Demarchist, not Maoist like ourselves - he wants Panther C.O.D.E to leave Arizona. Comrade #3 is within his rights. At the same time he is calling for the building of a Black Jewish Orthodox Community in Arizona. Knowing that there is dispute as to who are the actual Leaders of Our Generation. The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement declared that Neturei Karta was the only consistent enough group to be given that honor. I am Panther C.O.D.E's Minister of Jewish Affairs, I endorse this sentiment - I hear that you do too. You have said more than once that it is time for the Jews Worldwide to disembowel White Supremacy. Are you aware that your friend Asher Meza backed the Alt Right? You could reverse so many issues. Several Mizrahim have accused Black Jews of cowardice, I need you to help me prove this wrong. The answer to safeguarding Kushafra is not in Asher Meza's Far Right heresy. The answer is not with the center-Right, the Center nor even the center-Left. The answer is on the Far Left which is being criminalized. YOU and Me are being criminalized - AmeriKKKa is incapable of turning against the Zionist State and you know why.

On the date of May 26, 2020, Dion Johnson was murdered during this same exact date as George Floyd. Unlike the murders of May 27, 2019 the murder of Dion Johnson on May 26, 2020 could not be covered up. This led a lot of members of Panther C.O.D.E to come out to Arizona and give Comrade #3 Solidarity. We with an Anarchist group known as the Arizona Rebellion protested. Comrade #3 with his fellow Navajos along with his Jewish friends led the charge. I was there too in those protests. 

I ask you to help me. If you reject what I have written, it is a Crime against Hashem!

According to the Philosophy of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement, Jews are to be loyal Citizens of whatever Country they live in. The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement also concludes in its Philosophy that - this can not fully apply to Settler Colonial Countries like Zionist-Israel or AmeriKKKa. Furthermore the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement concluded that the North Amerikan Indigenous Tribes following their own traditions are indeed Noahide Nations. This means Comrade #3 and his People the Navajos, as well as the Lakota as well as many other Tribes are Noahide Nations. You as well as myself, therefore are obligated to give our loyalty to them.



Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Kushafra: West Afrikan Jews

The recognized Rabbi for Maoist-Bundists is Rabbi Yehudah Moshe. While it is true that I have yet to meet Rabbi Yehudah Moshe personally, I have spoke to many Jews, some of them Black, some of them Sephardi, some of them Mizrahi. All of them hold Rabbi Yehudah Moshe in high esteem. I have to help ensure that the West African Jews of the Diaspora become aware of their own significance. The very term Kushafra refers precisely to West Afrikan Jewry, but this also would include any Black Jew who follows the traditions of the West African Jews of the Diaspora. Rabbi Yehudah Moshe has done a lot of work to spread this information. Thanks to the work that was done by the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement, we can conclude that Kushafra is real and that it is indeed the proper name for those who embrace this sect of Orthodox Judaism.

I will be writing more about Kushafra. 

I will be writing a message on this very Blog to Rabbi Yehudah Moshe.

There is so much to go over, so much to explain. But the need for this reunion of Kushafra is essential.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Bundism is the Jewish National Liberation Movement. 

Zionism is in the way of that. 

I am going to explain Maoism-Bundism. 

But before I explain Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Bundism, the reader should read this first.

Now that you have read that, I will summarize Marxism-Leninism-Maoism for you. 

Maoism is a continuity and rupture within Marxism-Leninism. Marxism was a theory which identified the structures of class division. Marxism is also the Ideology started by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. As impressive as this Theory was, it was very eurocentric. All of those calling themselves Marxists following after with very few exceptions were Revisionists who deodorized Marxism. Vladimir Lenin was the truest Marxist because he gave correct Praxis to this Theory. After the death of Vladimir Lenin, several opportunists would lay claim to being Leninists. Fortunately the Proletariat backed the only living Bolshevik left who was a true disciple of Vladimir Lenin. This disciple was none other than Joseph Stalin. The Aristocracy backed Leon Trotsky. Had it not been for the Vanguard measures of Vladimir Lenin, it is safe to say that the Aristocracy would have destroyed the Revolution and Leon Trotsky would have destroyed everything the Bolsheviks worked so hard to create. Joseph Stalin was essential, he coined the term Marxism-Leninism and he kept Vladimir Lenin's logic in theory and praxis alive. After the death of Joseph Stalin the USSR went cold, then a Trotskyist pretending to be a Marxist-Leninist by the name of Nikita Khrushchev destroyed everything. Nikita Khrushchev turned the Soviet Union into a Dictatorship of the Aristocracy in class collaboration with the Proletariat. This is why Mao Zedong denounced Nikita Khrushchev. Mao Zedong rejected Trotskyism. Many get upset with the idea that Nikita Khrushchev was upholding the Social Fascist ideology of Trotskyism, but those upset with this never provide any genuine counter. This is also when the Social Imperialism of Russia begins. Nikita Khrushchev bankrolled the Marxist-Leninist Revolutions for the glory of Russia. He was not doing anything out of love for the Revolution. Mao Zedong on the other hand would promote mutual aid. In retrospect this has shown to be the correct way. Lin Biao and the Black Panther Party is where Maoism came from. Maoism is not Mao Zedong Thought. Unfortunately the very word Maoism was a nebulous term which many opportunists tried to claim. It was not until the 1980s that Marxism-Leninism-Maoism was declared. By the early 1990s the Revolutionary Internationalist Movement universally declared the synthesized theory of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism which the enthusiasm of those upholding this theory would slowly die down. In recent years the enthusiasm of Marxist-Leninist-Maoists has picked up again with even greater resolve. 

The rivalry between the Bolsheviks and the Bundists was a major mistake. 

The Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks had one major agreement before their full split. That agreement was to expel the Jewish Bund. This is because Vladimir Lenin had a chauvinistic side to him. Despite the fact that the Bolsheviks had much more in common with the Bundists, they decided to join with the Mensheviks against the Bundists. That terrible decision was the will of Vladimir Lenin. Yes, there was both Aristocrats and Proletarians within the Jewish Bund. But the Bolsheviks also had both Aristocrats and Proletarians within their ranks. In fact it was the Bolsheviks who had more Aristocrats while the Bund had far less of that. Leon Trotsky in an opportunistic move decided to sit with the Bund over the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. Leon Trotsky was never a friend to Bundism. He would of course claim to be a Bundist later on. But he also had said he was half Menshevik and half Bolshevik at other times. The reason why the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks would join against the Bund was because they both embraced the Nation-State while Bundists rejected this. It is also important to know that the Bundists were friendly with Anarchists not Leon Trotsky. The Anarchists at the time had the same issue that both Bolsheviks and the Bundists had - too many Aristocrats with power. The Mensheviks however had their ranks filled with mostly Aristocrats and Petite bourgeoisie Social Democrats, very few Proletarians. It was not Joseph Stalin who had strife with the idea of Bundism, no that was Vladimir Lenin. Vladimir Lenin was guilty of grooming many of the Bolsheviks especially Joseph Stalin. Joseph Stalin was always sympathetic to Jews, but he was ridiculously uncultured on Jewish matters. Vladimir Lenin tasked Joseph Stalin with writing Marxism and The National Question which made good contributions yet it fails to truly escape the Nation-State theory. After the Holocaust, Joseph Stalin decided to endorse Zionism. He would later self criticize and he tried to fix this by setting up the Jewish Oblast. The majority of the Jews who would build the Yiddishkeit Culture of the Oblast were Bundists, Vladimir Lenin must have been screaming treason from the grave given how much this was not the Marxist-Leninist thing to do. But in retrospect, this is was the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thing to do. 


Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Bundism is the synthesizing of the theories of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement with Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. Maoism-Bundism aim at putting an end to Nation-States in favor of Federated-States and in some cases even Democratic Federations. Maoism-Bundism fully endorses the building of New Afrika. Securing the plans of National-Cultural Autonomy with the theories of Shtetl Security and Intercommunal Doikeit is an essential part of Maoism-Bundism. 

Maoism-Bundism is not exclusive to Black Jews. However it is Black Jews who have started Maoism-Bundism. I have been asked to start this theory. I already have the support of both Comrade Net and Dr. Weizfeld. While it is true that I have started this theory as well as the founding of the Jewish Black Panther Bund, I will not be a part of the Jewish Black Panther Bund. I am a Communist not a Bundist. I am also ten years older than Dr. Weizfeld, trust me when I say that Dr. Weizfeld is old but I am older. 

I am tired too. I can tell Dr. Weizfeld is not yet tired, this gives me a sort of peace of mind. 

The Jewish Black Panther Bund will uplift the legacy of Kushafra. Kushafra is an actual word referring to the West African Jews. There is a collaborated effort by many Ashkenazim to remove the historical legacy of Kushafra away from Jewish Collective Memory, I will not let this happen. Black New Afrikan Jews and Afrikan Jews both are misrepresented more than any other Jews in the World.

Monday, April 11, 2022

The Bundist Movement: Past, Present and Possible Future.

Dear readers, this will be confusing if an attempt is made to speed read through this. This will have to be read at least twice slowly maybe even three times, twice slowly with a third read at normal pace.

Before I can even explain Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Bundism I need to give some background to the Bundist Movement. The Bundist Movement is a very precise political Jewish anti-Zionist campaign which is Socialist. It was started by Dona Newman inspired by her Aunt. At the time Ms. Newman started the Bundist Movement she attached it to Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net. They both embraced the idea. She modeled the Bundist Movement off of the Mexica Movement. But the Bundist Movement grew beyond what she had planned. Ms. Newman and Comrade Net were both Demarchists, they both knew Fredrick Danson. Fredrick Danson was the first to theorize Demarchism. Demarchism is a political Antithesis to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. In recent years Maoists and Bundists have joined forces bringing Maoists and Demarchists in a position to adopt each others ideas. While Maoism and Demarchism remain separate from each other, we today can see a lot of mutual respect between these two conflicting Socialist Theories. This makes a lot of people uncomfortable because this unity among political rivals is owed to Jews of diverse ethnic backgrounds. Even though the political interests of Diaspora Jews are very far left, it is an unfortunate reality that the far left is more apposed to Jewishness than the center and the far right even. Usually any political context of Jewishness is accepted within the center left and even more so the center right. This is due to the efforts of COINTELPRO. The Bundist Movement never had a Chapter but it did have a intellectual center for theory and praxis based in both Montreal, Quebec and Phoenix, Arizona. The actual office was in the City of Phoenix however the primary activity of Jewish Operations was in Arizona where the official headquarters was. The martyred Council members all adopted Maoism-Third Worldism as the basic template. Now let me clarify something. I do not believe Third Worldism to be a fourth stage of Marxist theory. Third Worldism is a MLM tendency which builds praxis around the study of the global class divide. Maoists like myself perceive the self designated Maoist-Third Worldists as Multipolar Maoists. The term Multipolar Maoist comes from our Anarchist friends upholding the Commune of Anarchy theory. They don't see Maoism-Third Worldism as a fourth stage either. Rather like us they see them as upholding a dialectical difference within the MLMs upholding the tendency of third-worldism. So as far as Maoists like myself who subscribe to the tendency of third worldism, we designate ourselves as Federated Maoists and our dialectical siblings as Multipolar Maoists. It is understandable why the Multipolar Maoists think third worldism is a fourth stage but Federated Maoists still beg to differ. To make it more confusing Demarchists of all stripes perceive both ML and MLM as primitive in comparison to Demarchism. At the same time Demarchists - although not originally, perceive Anarchism to be more principled than ML or MLM theoretically. Paradoxically the Demarchists consider Anarchism to be kind of utopianly silly in social praxis. Yet unlike the Anarchists, the Demarchists agree that the Multipolar Maoists who self designate as Maoist-Third Worldist are upholding a fourth stage of Marxist theory. Indeed, the Demarchists maintain that the Multipolar Maoists - calling themselves Maoist-Third Worldist are actually politically equal to themselves. 


A basic History of the Bundist Movement

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Bundism has its roots within the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement, even though the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was a Demarchist Organization. Try not to get confused because the Bundist Movement existed before the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement and it still exists after the destruction of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement. I am unsure about the dating of this period of the Bundist Movement's history, but I know it was a short period predating the organization built by Ms. Newman, Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net. During this period Ms. Newman's Aunt was already terminal. Her Aunt made the slogans and theories for insurrection campaigning. Ms. Newman would expand upon this work by drawing ideas from the Jewish People's Liberation Organization founded by Dr. Weizfeld both before and after her Aunt's death. The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was not a Chapter, although it is now accepted that the Organization would have become a Chapter had they made it to the desired membership of 12 Bundists. The Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement was often referred to as simply the Bundist Movement because no other formation took that title upon themselves. All 8 of these Bundists were considered Demarchists. That is until Hannah Toff, Marvin Eliyahu and Uri Adiah decided to become Marxist-Leninist. While they had become Marxist-Leninists they rejected any notion of calling themselves Communists. While shifting Bundist theory Hannah Toff, Marvin Eliyahu and Uri Adiah never embraced the Nation-State. They also rejected any notions of a Jewish State or Jewish Country or Jewish Territory. They did however promote what they termed Shtetl Security and Intercommunal Doikeit. These ideas and their radical restructuring of Joseph Stalin's The National Question was embraced by Isaiah P. Kamatstein and Mariam Emesberg. This is why the five martyred Council members adopted the Multipolar Maoist theory which is typically called Maoism-Third Worldism. After they were murdered in 2019, the Bundist Movement slowly began to gain a lot of interest by many Jews of several backgrounds. The Bundist Movement does not accept every political tendency. Hoxhaism was never accepted, nor was Classical Marxism, Orthodox Marxism or Mutualism. Anyone Jewish upholding these ideas was barred from joining. I need to highlight that while Mutualism was rejected, borrowing from Pierre-Joseph Proudhon was allowed. This is in part what led to Dr. Weizfeld's theory of Demarcho Mutualism which is purely Demarchist. While Dr. Weizfeld does deviate from Demarchism heavily, he is very much a Demarchist. Dr. Weizfeld's ideas could only fit into Demarchism not Marxism or Anarchism. I should also point out that both Dr. Weizfeld and Comrade Net are very much influenced by Anarchism. Dona Newman is much more influenced by Marxism. I should go further and clarify something else, Dr. Weizfeld is a Demarcho Mutualist. That is so much better than being a Mutualist. Dr. Weizfeld discarded the bad borderline fascistic ideas of Mutualism, kept the actual Socialist contributions from Mutualism and then provided the theoretical surgery with Jamahiriya Theory. While I would say that before the Council members were murdered, Dr. Weizfeld was purely Demarchist. During this year he has shown himself to be a Demarcho Mutualist. Comrade Net was purely Demarchist too when the Council was still living, but today I would say Comrade Net is a Demarcho Federalist. It is embarrassing that the two Men who are much more influenced by Anarchism have done more justice to Bundism. The Woman more influenced by Marxism has become politically dead with nothing more to offer. Before you could be a Jewish Trotskyist or Jewish Marxist-Leninist and join the Bundist Movement - dropping the term of Communist of course. Not anymore though, if you are a Jewish Trotskyist or Jewish Marxist-Leninist dropping the term Communist is not enough, all Jewish Trotskyists attempting to join the Bundist Movement have to adopt Dona Newman's reinterpretation of Leon Trotsky and denounce Trotskyism. Also any Jewish Marxist-Leninists must reject Marxism-Leninism in favor of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, Anarchism or Demarchism - failure to comply to this leads to permanent barring from the Bundist Movement.The goal of the Bundist Movement was and still is the founding of the Jewish Inter-National Bund which is to be set up in the Jewish Oblast. The general consensus of all of those who have participated in preserving the Bundist Movement have tasked the Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard with making sure that this is not ever overridden. The Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard is not a Bundist Chapter, it is the legacy defender of the Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement. The Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard is endorsed by several ignored and marginalized Jews, myself included. The Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard is the Jewish Unit of the People Social Freedom Movement. Arizona has become central to the World Conversation in recent years, there is a major cover up over this. But all the signs are there for anyone to see, if only this would stop getting ignored. The Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard is headed by Comrade Net, this is not a Bundist Chapter at all as the function is very different. Calling the Jewish Antifa Bundist Vanguard a Chapter is defamation to all Bundist Chapters including the Jewish People's Liberation Organization and the Jewish Black Panther Bund and the unrevealed Chapter. 

What is the Jewish Socialist Bund? 

The Jewish Socialist Bund refers to all accepted formations of the New Bund embraced by the Bundist Movement. This is rather self explanatory, for some odd reason the martyred Council members had a gross misunderstanding of what the Jewish Socialist Bund was. They seem to have thought that it was nothing but an Online Mailing list. Comrade Net did try to explain otherwise to them. It was Dona Newman who could have explained this better to them, yet clearly she never made an effort to do so. Fortunately both the Bundist Movement and the Jewish Socialist Bund survive. The Jewish Socialist Bund is the Jewish Bund of now. The Jewish Bund of yesteryear was the Jewish Labor Bund.

What is the Jewish Liberation Action Front? 

The Jewish Liberation Action Front is a dialectical difference within the Jewish Socialist Bund. 
Both the Jewish Socialist Bund and the Jewish Liberation Action Front - constitute as the entirety of the Jewish Socialist Bund. This is also because the uniting Jewish International Culture is terrified of Dr. Weizfeld taking too many liberties which have been known to cause harm. This means that if the Bundist Movement approves of any unprincipled Chapters into the Jewish Socialist Bund - the Jewish Liberation Action Front will voice its disapproval. The Jewish Black Panther Bund is part of the Jewish Socialist Bund. Dr. Weizfeld has already approved of this. The Jewish Liberation Action Front has no objections. It is very important to note that the Jewish Liberation Action Front can not actually control the rest of the Jewish Socialist Bund nor will this really have any pull on Dr. Weizfeld. Although I hope that Dr. Weizfeld will remember that his word is not law - that he can be and often is incorrect. Dona Newman has been writing Affidavits so that others may know her testimony. While it was Dona Newman who came up with the terming of 'jewish liberation action front' she has handed this term over to all of those who feel overridden by Dr. Weizfeld. No one has forced Dona Newman to resign, she did this on her own. She is under the constant protection and watch of Panther C.O.D.E, as she can not be trusted. These testimonies will be read publicly by The Lumpen ThirdWorldist also known as DaStoned Soviet also known as Mike Stokely. While I am grateful that Dona Newman has come clean, I find myself hating her, she is guilty of cultural genocide as well as the permanent destruction of Comrade Net's heritage. She tricked Panther C.O.D.E into supporting a Sex Offender in order to sabotage both the Bundist Movement as well as the new style of Maoist Rebel News.

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Jewish Black Panther Bund

I was 34 years old when I joined the Black Panthers in 1972. I have always been Black and I have always been Jewish. Black Jews exist, we have to deal with European Jews telling us we are not Jewish and we have to deal with Black Christians and Black Muslims who tell us that Black Jews don't exist because Jewishness is somehow Ultra-Whiteness. When I joined, I was often called The Elder Student, this is due to the obvious reality that I could not read or write and that I was older than most of the other Cadres within Chapter I joined. It was the Black Panthers who taught me how to read and write in English. I finally learned how to read Hebrew and Aramaic when I was 40. Black Jews are misrepresented by Black Christians and Black Muslims claiming to be Jewish all the time. The very term Hebrew Israelite used to be a reference to Black Jews, but then Black Jews for Jesus stole the term early on. So we have had an uphill battle just attempting to show that we exist. Real Black Jews are Modern Orthodox, we read the Hebrew Scriptures and the Talmudh with deep devotion. Some among us have turned to Reform Judaism and even Reconstructionalist Judaism but this is extremely rare.

                                  This is the Flag of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Bundism

I am starting up the first Black Bundist Chapter, at least that is what I am trying to do. This Blog is meant to educate others about Bundism, Maoism and Pantherism and what these words actually mean. This Blog promotes Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Bundism. This Blog is also a rebuke against Dr. Weizfeld because of his stubborn attitude and ignorance on several topics. Yet this Blog will also be in heavy support of Dr. Weizfeld. This Blog is a denouncement of Dona Newman, yet this Blog will defend her actual contributions. This Blog criticizes Comrade Net too, but only on certain grounds. This Blog will actually be defending Comrade Net for the most part. But this Blog is not about Comrade Net. This Blog is not about Dr. Weizfeld either. I will not be part of the Jewish Black Panther Bund as I am too old. I also identify as Communist rather than Bundist. But I will be starting the early work for Black Bundism. Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Bundism does not have to be exclusively Black but in the First World Maoism resonates best with Black People. So it should not shock anyone that the first to espouse MLM-Bundism will be Black Jews. I am part of Panther C.O.D.E, I am their Minister of Jewish Affairs. I work closely with Panther C.O.D.E's Minister of Mexican Affairs. Yes, there are many Half Black Half Mexicans out there whether you wish to believe this or not. More posts are coming.

Comrade Net has failed too many times!

I am not in Arizona anymore. Just want to say that first. I have returned to Chicago. Comrade Net was tasked to help Jason Unruhe set up the...